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Online Workshop: Christmas Decoration Selection (14/11/24)


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Online Workshop: Christmas Decoration Selection

Thursday 14th November 2024 | 7.00-9.00pm (GMT)

In this class we will make several decorations for Christmas, wee items such as candy canes, angels, hearts etc. that can be hung on your Christmas tree, displayed on a wreath or added to a parcel to make a special touch for friends and family. As well as showing you several designs using a variety of techniques we will also look at how we can put them together to make some bigger pieces. This class is suitable for any ability especially beginners so if you have always wanted to have a go at this craft then this could be a good one to start with.

Workshop – £15
Workshop + Materials Kit – £30

For materials required see Additional Information


Additional information

Materials Required

Materials required:
50 plaiting straws, fine/medium thickness
Christmas ribbon and embellishments you might like to use
Christmas pot pourri and dried orange slices, cinnamon sticks etc
Paper covered wire or cord as hangers for your pieces