Online Workshop: Spiralling Spirals (12/10/22)


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Spiralling Spirals

12th October 2022
7.00pm – 9.00pm BST

People are always fascinated with spirals and I use them a lot in my work so I thought it would be good to have a class just for spirals!  In the class we will make 2 pieces, a Hereford Lantern and a Spicy Christmas Pomander.  We will look at how changing the amount of straws you plait with gives you quite different results. I will show you how to increase and decrease your spirals to start making various shapes of your own and also show how to reverse the spiral. Quite a lot to fit in but if like me you love spirals then this class would be perfect for you.  

You can try to work along with me or you can just watch and after the workshop you will receive a recording of the workshop for you to play back as often as you want while you make your piece.

For materials required see Additional Information

Workshop £15
Workshop + Materials pack £28

A day before the workshop you will receive the link you need for Zoom.
Look forward to seeing you there!


Additional information

Materials Required

Materials Required:

50 medium thickness straws
Thread for tying
Small amount of Christmas scented pot pourri
Piece of net or similar to make a bag for the pot pourri
Ribbon for decoration 10mm wide
Glue gun, optional

If you order the materials pack it will contain:

50 medium thickness straws
Strong Thread
Pot Pourri and netting
Red Ribbon