Video Tutorials

Below you will find a selection of free video tutorials. We will be adding to these over time and releasing more in-depth projects which will be available to purchase from our shop. Please subscribe to our youtube channel to receive notifications when we upload new videos. 

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Straw Prep.

This video will help you prepare your straws ready for plaiting, from the raw material right through to being ready to work.


Clove Hitch Knot

This is by far the best knot to master when you are working with straw. It is well worth practising this.

Arrow Plait

Or sometimes called Six Straws around a Core Plait. This is another favourite plait of mine, not difficult but well worth learning.

Fill The Gap Plaits

These are lovely techniques to try, I use them a lot in my work. Learn how to make these plaits with 4 and 6 straws.

Five Straw Spiral with core

In this video I will show you how to plait the Five Straw Spiral using a core. I will also show how to join new straws into your work.

Increasing and Decreasing Spiral Plait

This follows on from the five straw spiral in a previous video. This time we will again work with the five straw spiral but this time without a core and I will show you how to increase and decrease the width of your plait too.